If I come to you, will you come with me? Or will you push me away or dance around me?


danceperformance + workshop for schools, for groups 3, 4 and 5 (ages 6.7. 8 and 9)

TocCo (to touch in Italian) is a professional danceperformance by two dancers. A duet. A duet appears in countless cultures, from a stately tango to a swinging salsa. And when you dance together, you have to listen to your partner and connect with each other. But how do you do that?

Through the dance performance and accompanying workshop, students in grades 3, 4, or 5 explore how they can make contact with each other in a playful way, without talking to each other.

In the workshop, the students work together in a playful, exploratory manner. They learn how to communicate with each other through movement. The tasks, which are gradually introduced, ensure that collaborating and listening to each other become increasingly smoother.

TocCo is a journey of discovery, with contact, collaboration, and connection taking center stage.

Practical information TocCo

Discipline: interactief danstheater
Doelgroep: groep 3, 4 en 5
Duur: een richtlijn van 60 minuten per klas (voorstelling + workshop)
Thema’s: Sociale vaardigheden, contact maken, samenwerken, creativiteit
54, 55, 56 en 58 van het SLO
Playing area: in a games room or gymnasium
Lesmateriaal: digitaal lesmateriaal beschikbaar via www.dadodans.com/tocco
Aantal: 3 klassen per dag, maximaal 30 leerlingen per klas

Vragen? Mail educatie@dadodans.nl
TocCo boeken kan via ons impresariaat: info@vanaf2.nl

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