Do you build together or alone? Who sets the rules to make the game more fun? Two dancers discover with carton tubes how to play together.

KoKERS (tubes)

A dance performance for age 3 and up

Do you build together or alone? Who sets the rules to make the game more fun?
Two dancers build their own world with cardboard tubes. In KoKERS, two dancers discover how to play together. A visual performance about having fun, challenging, comforting and being there for each other.

Depending on the audience, approximately 15 minutes of the performance consists of an interactive section. Here, toddlers and preschoolers are encouraged to move, feel, discover, and play together with you, the parent/caregiver/guardian.

Due to great success in 2023 and 2024, KoKERS is back in the theaters!

Anita Twaalfhoven in the Theaterkrant:
With two dancers, atmospheric music, and a mountain of cardboard tubes in various sizes,
choreographer Gaia Gonnelli creates a visually captivating masterpiece for children aged three and up.

The performance remains purely dance, showcasing Gonnelli’s distinctive style in
toddler theater.

Did you know?
Yeli Beurskens, one of the two dancers from KoKERS, won the ‘Young Swan Most Impressive Youth Dance Performance 2023’ for her performance in Hold Your Horses. We look forward to her collaboration with Catarina Paiva in KoKERS! We kijken uit naar haar samenwerking met Catarina Paiva in KoKERS!

Age and accessibility
+ The unique approach of DADODANS makes it fascinating for children of very different ages and developmental stages. Each child develops in their own way. DADODANS notices that children with a different kind of development often feel comfortable in the intimate setting and playful approach of DADODANS’ performances.All DADODANS’ dance performances are ‘language no problem’ with universal themes, making them very suitable for children (and caregivers) from and with various backgrounds and languages.

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