Colour wins award “Best Performance for young audience” during the “International theatre festival for children ‘100, 1.000, 1.000.000 stories’ in Bucharest, Roemenia
International Festival of theatre for children “100, 1.000, 1.000.000 stories”, organized by Teatrul Ion Creanga in Boekarest closes the XI edition of 2015 with the awards to the best performances and best performer of this edition.
The jury awards for ” best performance voor children older then 6 years” goes to : musical ” Terror Zmeilor Ion Branch (Theatre)-Cornel Todea, the award for “best performance for children under the age of 6″ goes ex-aequo to” KLEUR/COLOR “ ( Gaia Gonnelli/ Dansmakers Amsterdam, Holland) and ” fly by ” Stories (Theater Ion Branch).
More information: Teatrul Ion Creanga, Boekarest