Audition for male dancer

KoKERS - auditieFor the tour of the performance KoKERS, Dadodans|Gaia Gonnelli is looking for a professional male dancer.

You should have a background in contemporary dance, experience in improvisation, and the desire to make a work for children. Living in the Amsterdam area is require

Kokers had its premiere in September 2016. It is a duet for two male dancers and many cardboard tubes. It is a performance for children from the age of 3. Due to its success there will be a tour in the Netherlands and Belgium form January 2018 till the end of March 2018. A total of about 30 shows, some in primary schools and some in theatres.

Date: 25th of June 2017 (by invitation only)

Time: 10:30 – 18:00 Doors open at 10:00

Place: Dansmakers Amsterdam
Gedempt Hamerkanaal 203, 1021 KP Amsterdam

Rehearsal period: Total of 6 days (to be decided) between the 1st and the 20th of December 2017 or between the 7th and the 14th of January 2018.

Touring: from the 15th of January to the 31st of March 2018


Please send an e-mail to including CV + photo + a link to a short video . 

Application deadline is 18th of June 2017.

Please apply only if you are available in the above-mentioned period.

Selection procedure

A selection will be made and the chosen applicants will be contacted on the 21st of June to be invited to the audition.

More information

More information about Dadodans|Gaia Gonnelli can be found on our website at or come and visit one of our performances.